Online BCBA Supervision
We offer BCBA Supervision and BCaBA Supervision and test preparation. Finding the right supervisor is essential to your future success as a BCBA or BCaBA. For some of you, you may not have access to a supervisor in your area or may find it difficult to meet consistently. Independent supervision creates an individualized track that will give you the opportunity to grow the skills required to become a confident BCBA or BCaBA. We focus heavily on test preparation by providing you study materials along the way so there is no cramming!
How does our supervision work?
Supervision Blocks
Schedule hour long meetings with your supervision each week and upload video recordings working with your client/student
Study Materials
You will also get access to study materials including a study calendar, slides, practice questions, and a sample whiteboard.
Supervised Hours
Each week you will get 1.5 total supervised hours. This includes review of one 30 minute video and a 1 hour individual meeting via Google Meet or Zoom each week.
Pricing is $100 per supervised hour includeing meetings and direct client observations (video) invoiced at the end of the month.
FAQs About BCBA Supervision
How much supervision do you need?
For supervised independent fieldwork, you need a total of 2,000 hours, 100 of which are meeting directly with your supervisor for no more than half of group per period.
What is the structure of supervision?
Individual meetings between supervisor and trainee are preferred.
Group supervision is allowed (2-10) participants who share similar experiences.
When can I start supervision?
You can start accruing supervision hours once they have started qualifying coursework and secured a qualified supervisor.
How much supervision do you need each month?
If you gain all hours possible, this will equal 1.5-2 hours per week (for 30 experience hours), 6.5 hours per month (for 130 experience hours).
Is there a minimum or maximum of hours allowed to accrue each month?
No fewer than 20 hours but no more than 130 hours of experience may be accrued per month.
What counts as “clients” for experience supervision?
Any person for whom behavior-analytic services are appropriate to be a client. A trainee may not be related to the client.
I learned so much in a short amount of time! I have Katherine to thank for that and I feel like I am capable to handle much more than I could have done before completing this supervision.
I appreciated how most experiences were hands-on and independent, but I was guided through each of my experiences. Katherine would work through each of my problems I had and let me come to conclusions myself in order improve upon my own skills. My experiences with her have been nothing, but positive.
Hi, I'm Katherine
Katherine Kellogg M.Ed., BCBA, Founder
As BCBA, instructor at Texas A&M University, and previous Clinical Director at an ABA clinic in Charlotte, I have had the privilege to watch students grow into confident BCBAs. I have supervised dozens of students who have gone on to become successful clinicians. Out of all my experience in the ABA world, helping students pursue their goals of becoming a BCBA has been by far the most fulfilling.
I have also been on the other side of this equation as a student and a supervisee. I remember the late nights studying and the over caffeinated mornings. The struggle to figure out supervision and find a supervisor. I remember the crushing defeat I felt when I failed the first time I took the exam. The feat of strength it took to pull myself up and get back to studying. Finally I remember the overwhelming pride I felt when I passed on my second try. The late nights and rigorous study plan I put myself had paid off!
This is why I made ReadySetABA, to let pass along what I learned. I incorporate test prep into my supervision to prepare students to pass the test and become stellar clinicians. To help you get to the other side of those late nights and navigating supervision. Also, kind of selfishly because I love seeing people’s hard work pay off (which it will).
Let's Learn Together!
Fill out the form below to get more details about getting supervision, tutoring or consulting with ReadySetABA.