Like you, I spent endless nights drinking too many lattes, reading Cooper, saying no to plans, and giving up fun. I sacrificed freedom to prepare for this test. The long nights, the reading, the memorization, the flash cards, only to take the test and wait… The wait time for results might just be the worst part. Yeah, people say “Well at least you made it through the test!” Is that supposed to make it better? I can’t take this anymore!!!
Frantically refreshing the BACB website, logging in, telling yourself maybe this time it will say the results! Nope, not yet, just a website server error. Refreshing Facebook ABA groups to see if anyone else got results. Finally, BACB posts that results are in! But wait, my account isn’t loading…. Refresh! Refresh! At last, I am in.
Fail??? Is that right???
So you didn’t get the results you wanted. Late night studying and awaiting what felt like forever only to find out you failed. I know the feeling, and you should be upset. Cry about it, indulge, go shopping, go to a brewery, do yoga, whatever helps you cope.
Believe me, you may feel defeated, but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. You WILL make it through this test with a passing score, and you will become board certified.
Take the night and pour a glass of wine, run a hot bath and be mopey. You are allowed to be upset! Then It is time to get motivated, get a plan, and kick this test’s ass once and for all!
You need to cry it out for tonight only. After tonight, it is time to shake it off, and get focused, because August test cycle is right around the corner.
Final words: this moment too shall pass. You will look back one day, and it will all be worth it!
If at first you don’t succeed try try again!
I failed the BCBA exam in May and was wondering if you could suggest what part of your study program could help me the most according to my exam results ( Task List A & H, G & I, and K are the areas I received low percentages on).
thanks for your time,
Crystal O’Mara
Hi Crystal,
The study plan uses Cooper readings combined with the slides that are broken down by section. Following the comprehensive study plan is the best option. If you feel like you have enough studying materials, I would recommend an hour of tutoring. Feedback that I have gotten from other users say that the hour of individualized tutoring is most helpful. We will go over 10-12 topics (or as many as we can fit in) including examples, practice questions comparable to the test, and applied scenarios. If you feel like you benefit from talking topics out, I would highly recommend an hour of tutoring. The white board sample is also helpful to prepare for test day.
Hope this helps!